By: dragons

The Last Speech 最后一次演讲

Wen Yiduo (renowned Chinese patriot poet and scholar), who did not believe in the existence of dragons, repeatedly encountered strange events prior to a speech he was due to give. The instigators were actually from the future, who hoped to change historical perceptions of dragons by influencing Wen Yiduo’s thoughts.

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Becoming a Dragon 化龙

The emergence of the supervirus broke the reproductive isolation between species, bringing new tragedies and miracles to the world.

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Regarding Why Humans Have to Seek Dragons 关于人类不得不去寻找龙这回事

The development of the Timeline Customisation Machine led to the tampering of history. After a failure to contain and abandon this technology, humans have entered a situation where they would require this same technology to undo consequences that have already been caused by the misuse of this machine.


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