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Xinfeng Xike 新丰昔客

Xinfeng Xike, an emerging science fiction author born in Northeast China in 1994. He holds a Master’s degree from Beijing Normal University and currently resides in Jilin, Changchun. He has worked as an independent game developer and book publisher, authoring over 10 children’s picture books. Presently, he holds the role of an editor for a scientific journal focused on technology. He has a passion for reading and writes in his spare time. 新丰昔客,新人科幻作者,1994年生于中国东北,硕士毕业于北京师范大学,现居吉林长春。曾从事独立游戏制作、图书出版等职业,编有儿童绘本十余本。现从事科技期刊编辑工作。热爱阅读,业余时间写作。

Works by Xinfeng Xike 新丰昔客

Report on the Origin and Usage of Loong Memes

Mona Lisa’s smile is a successful meme, for centuries it has been passed down through generations of humans, being replicated and modified without signs of decline. Now, how have we done that with dragons? Follow the chief scientist in tracing back the origin of the Loong meme and how it can be utilised… as the Anstra race plans to slowly infiltrate the humans.