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Wang Xiaohai 汪小海

Wang Xiaohai is a science fiction author who is also working in the communication industry. He has received the Silver Award in the first Qixiang Cosmos Award for Short and Medium-length Works in the medium-length work category, the Silver Award for Best New Science Fiction Writer in 15th Chinese Science Fiction Nebula Awards, and the Grand Prize in the SciFidea Chinese Dyson Sphere Essay Contest. His works can be found in various publications such as Future Affairs Administration and Qixiang Cosmos. 汪小海,科幻作者,通信行业工作者。曾获得第一届「奇想奖中短篇征文大赛」中篇组银奖,第十五届「华语科幻星云奖」最佳/年度新秀/新星奖银奖、第一届「SciFidea中文奖·戴森球征文大赛」大奖。作品散见于「不存在科幻」「奇想宇宙」。

Works by Wang Xiaohai 汪小海





Becoming a Dragon

The Argentine ants and Pheidole ants are closely related species. However, they cannot co-exist and will battle against each other until the other species is wiped out. Unknown to the public, the emergence of a supervirus broke the reproductive isolation between species, bringing new tragedies and miracles to the world.

