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Kane Wan 万户

Kane Wan, former editor of The Novoland Fantasy and an editor of Eastern Wood. Currently a writer on AI trends at Geekpark, he is a sci-fi enthusiast of the Golden Age period. 万户,《九州幻想》前编辑,「异事悟」编辑,在极客公园做 AI 报道,黄金时代科幻爱好者。

Works by Kane Wan 万户

Would ChatGPT become the ultimate Terminator?

The release of ChatGPT in late 2022 has led to the rise of AI in recent years, billions of dollars have been invested into AI start-ups, and all sorts of generative AI tools have emerged one after another, some people even suspect that AI has formed its own consciousness. How should we differentiate today’s AI from machine learning of the past? Would AI evolve on its own? What should an ordinary person do to understand AI?


2022 年出现的 ChatGPT 引发了持续两年的 AI 热,投资数十亿美元的 AI 创业公司,各类生成式 AI 此起彼伏,甚至有不少人声称 AI 已经有了思想。到底我们应该如何理解今天的 AI?和过去的机器学习有什么区别,真的会觉醒吗?普通人今天想了解 AI,又该从何做起?