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Frost Echoes 凉言

Frost Echoes, a science fiction author graduated from Peking University. His long novel “死者长鸣” (The Cry of the Dead) received the Qixiang Cosmos Award for the First Globally-held Metaverse Writing Contest, and had been published. He has received multiple awards from SciFidea Chinese Dyson Sphere Essay Contest, 2023 Qixiang Cosmos Long Novels Contest, Waterdrop Award, and the Douban Reading Writing Contest. In addition, several of his short stories have been published on Science Fiction World Magazine and other science fiction platforms. 凉言,科幻写作者,毕业于北京大学。长篇小说《死者长鸣》获「首届全球元宇宙征文大赛奇想奖」,现已出版。曾获「SciFidea中文奖·戴森球征文大赛」「奇想奖(2023)长篇征文比赛」「水滴奖」「豆瓣阅读征文大赛」等奖项,另有若干短篇小说发表于《科幻世界》杂志及各科幻类公众号。

Works by Frost Echoes 凉言


Troubled with the pressure from work and the meaningless mundanity of life, the lonely woman made a clone of herself to fill the void in her heart, to which she became reliant and controlling, leading to the clone’s desire to escape and be free.

